DESCRIPTION: This is the official data repository for the Sunspot Solar Observatory Consortium (SSOC). Here you will find raw and reduced data products taken by the various instruments in use at the Dunn Solar Telescope in Sunspot, NM. THE PROJECT: The SSOC is a partnership between New Mexico State, University, California State University, Northridge, and the University of Colorado, Boulder to operate the Dunn Solar Telescope located at Sunspot New Mexico. Additional funds are provided by the National Science Foundation, the State of New Mexico, and the National Solar Observatory. Sunspot Solar Observatory is run in four synoptic modes: * Chromospheric Magnetism and Quiet Sun Dynamic Processes * Filament Magnetic fields * Prominence Dynamics * Solar Flare Watch CONTACT: Please don't hesitate to contact us. * For data-related support: Synoptic Data Scientist * For science operations related queries: Dr Juie Shetye Assistant Profesor * For data related queries: Dr Sean Sellers Support Astronomer * For magnetic field inversion support: Shuo Wang Postdoctoral Researcher * For other support: Professor R.T. James McAteer Director CONTRIBUTIONS: The Sunspot Solar Observatory Consortium would like to thank the following people for providing support for instrumentation, reduction software, and other consultation: * Valentin Martinez Pillet, NSO. * Christian Beck, NSO. * Frank Hill, NSO. * Serena Criscuoli, NSO. * David Jess, Queens University Belfast * Doug Gilliam, NSO .....and many more! HOW TO USE THIS REPOSITORY: Data are downloaded via a web browser or by using your favorite command line download tool, such as wget. * Directory structure: Data are organized by observing day using the following directory tree structure: /YYYY/MM/DD/ where YYYY is the four-digit observing year, MM is the two-digit month, and DD the day of the month the observations were made. Example: the directory /2018/03/02 contains raw and reduced data from March 2, 2018. * Within each observing day users will find a directory containing the observer logs, a level0 (raw) data directory, and a level1 (reduced, science) directory. * The level0 subdirectories are defined in the following list. DD is the two-digit day of month, mmm is the three-character lowercase alphabetic month abbreviation, and YYYY is the four-digit year. Example: 02mar2018 is translated to March 2, 2018. DDmmmYYYY_3500 -- ROSA, 350.0 nm channel. DDmmmYYYY_4170 -- ROSA, 417.0 nm channel. DDmmmYYYY_cak -- ROSA, CaII K channel. DDmmmYYYY_firs -- FIRS 1083 nm. DDmmmYYYY_firs_slitjaw -- FIRS slitjaw imager. DDmmmYYYY_gband -- ROSA, G-band channel. DDmmmYYYY_ibis -- IBIS narrowband imaging, spectroscopic. DDmmmYYYY_spinor_flir_5876 -- SPINOR FLIR. DDmmmYYYY_spinor_sarnoff_8542 -- SPINOR 8542 nm. DDmmmYYYY_spinor_slitjaw -- SPINOR slitjaw imager. DDmmmYYYY_whitelight -- IBIS broadband imaging. DDmmmYYYY_zyla -- ROSA, H-alpha channel. * The level1 (reduced) data are placed in the following directories: firs -- FIRS, 1083 nm. ibis -- IBIS, narrowband/broadband, spectroscopic. spinor -- SPINOR, 854.2 nm. rosa -- ROSA, 350 nm, 417 nm, CaII K, G-band, and H-alpha.