Pointing Information:

Observing Pointing Summary

Instruments Used:

Instrument Reduction Status
ROSA G-band Level-0
ROSA 4170Å Level-0
ROSA Ca K Level-0
Zyla 6563Å Level-0
FIRS Slitjaw Level-0
FIRS 10830Å Level-0
HSG 6302Å Level-0
HSG 8542Å Level-0
HSG 5876Å Level-0
HSG slitjaw Level-0

Note on Data Reduction Levels:

Data levels are defined as follows:

Observation Series Summary:

There were 1 different observing series on this date. Observing and calibration windows covered the following ranges:

Observing Times Summary

Seeing Parameters by Pointing and Passband:

Seeing parameters are calculated from Level-0, unprocessed data, before speckle reconstruction. The "median" and +/- 1-sigma images below are calculated from the Helmli-Scherer mean (HSM) for ROSA, and the Median Filter Gradiant Similarity (MFGS) metric for Zyla. These metrics (and others, such as the RMS, and mean of the image) are calculated for the full observing day. HSM and MFGS are the most sensitive to unknown atmospheric conditions, however, the HSM is faster and tends to perform better with photospheric data, while MFGS performs better with chromospheric structures.

4170Å Seeing Plots

4170Å Pointing 1 of 1

4170 Pointing 1

G-band Seeing Plots

G-band Pointing 1 of 1

G-band Pointing 1

Ca K Seeing Plots

Ca K Pointing 1 of 1

Ca K Pointing 1

Hα 6563Å Seeing Plots

Hα 6563Å Pointing 1 of 1

6563 Pointing 1